The Prototype

We've come a long way
Behold v2.0 of the Lazyscrog prototype!
If you think this looks rough, you should have seen its predecessor.
Cobbled together with PVC pipe and aluminium tape, v1.0's screen was connected to our plant analogue (a four-litre bottle of water), using zip-ties and offcuts from the pipe.
It might not have been pretty, but the way it lifted that water would have made Archimedes proud.
Proof of Concept
Despite our complete lack of growing experience, our prototype achieved proof of concept at the very first attempt.
Every version since then has brought a crop successfully to harvest, with yields increasing as the prototype evolved.
We are currently running v5.2, and believe we have achieved MVP status.

Let There Be Light
Early-on in our prototyping, we began experimenting with various types of intra-canopy-lighting.
First, we attached LED strips to the underside of the upper screen on a twin-screen rig configuration, and then by resting two LED strips across the frame of the lower screen, facing up, illuminating the lower canopy.
Results Have Been Spectacular. 589g of medicine is the record. This was pulled from a 90 x 90cm grow tent, 105 days, seed to harvest.
Not Only Cannabis
One of the most exciting enhancements we made was a modification to the upper trellis screen.
We found that by adding a completely non-stretch net to the upper screen, we had equipped the Lazyscrog for food production.
We are constantly discovering new ways to grow traditional crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and capsicums.

And Not Just Hydro
Instantly compatible with our specially adapted Smart Pots and Airpots, the Lazyscrog's modular nature means it can work with traditional soil methods, such as soil and coco.