High Value Agriculture
As the planet heats and the population grows, farmers face an exceptional set of challenges; how to extract ever more produce from an agricultural landscape beset with the ravages of climate change.
Lazyscrog Technologies is poised to intervene by introducing a range of unique, innovative solutions that will help growers of high value crops maximize their yields, minimize environmental impact, and enhance crop security.
Storms, floods, pestilence. Our patented, pioneering technology will offer a raft of solutions to some of the most pressing agricultural concerns of the age.

The War on Critters
Since the dawn of agriculture, farmers have been engaged in endless war. Be it slugs or snails, rabbits or rats, there is always something to fight.
And every year, in an effort to protect their crops from the ravages of pestilence, farmers around the world invest $24BN in pest-control measures.
Yet despite this vast expenditure, it is estimated that between 20% and 40% of all agricultural crops are still lost each year, to some form of critter.
A Better Way?
As Mother Earth continues to heat, new threats are sure to emerge, fuelling sustained growth in the global pest control market, which is expected to double in size over the next ten years.
But where is the money coming from? Who will pay? How will farmers, many of them already scratching at the margins, cope?
Well, what if they didn’t have to? What if they could just ignore the pests underneath their feet and focus on less-expensive, less earth-polluting activities?
This is the tantalising promise of the Lazyframe.
This revolutionary crop management system is the first to allow plants to live their lives untethered from the earth, out of the reach of pests, and the growing threat of floods.

What We Mean By High Value Agriculture
Essentially, any crop that is cultivated without the use of heavy-machinery.
Berries, grapes, hops, cannabis. The type of crop where the human touch is simply irreplaceable—be it the tender handling of fragile fruits, or the selective harvesting of vegetables at precisely the right moment.
They are also amongst the crops most vulnerable to the environmental challenges of our times.