Reshaping the agricultural landscape, one sector at a time
Lazyscrog Technologies is an early-stage British agrotechnology startup, specializing in unique, elevated farming solutions.
Storms, floods, pestilence. Our patented, pioneering technology will offer a raft of solutions to some of the most pressing agricultural concerns of the age.
Elevated Farming
Imagine a world where our crops spend their lifetimes untethered from the earth.
A world where farmers sleep soundly at night, safe in the knowledge that their livelihoods are secure, out of the reach of pests.
Imagine a world where not even the threat of widespread flooding can disturb these farmers’ slumber.
On the Shoulders of Giants
Based on designs and principles as old as architecture itself, The Lazyframe will harness the power of modern materials science, along with the spirit of human ingenuity, to provide a complete structural framework that will nurture and protect the lifeblood of our civilization.
Our ground-breaking, patented designs combine simplicity with innovation, efficiency with ease-of-use, and will revolutionize the way we grow.
Soil or hydro, inside or out, our modular, cutting-edge technology can be deployed in a multitude of configurations.
From grow tents and gardens, to vast agricultural expanse, Lazyscrog Technologies will elevate your harvest, no matter the scenario.
Stunningly Simple Solutions
Here at Lazyscrog, we are guided by one straightforward ethos. Keep it simple.
Some of our biggest ideas may appear a little *ahem* wild, but they are each underpinned by trusted, centuries-old principles and designs.
That is why you will not find us reinventing any wheels. Unless of course, we really, really must...

The Lazyscrog:
A Universal Solution for Earth and Beyond
Across the planet, preparations for off-world colonization become more advanced by the day. And as humanity prepares to step out into the void, the question of how to feed our astronauts becomes ever more urgent.

We believe the Lazyscrog is uniquely suited to the challenge.
Designed specifically to deliver the biggest of yields in the smallest of spaces, our plucky little rig is capable of growing a wide wide variety of nutritious food crops, all while using up to 90% less water than traditional soil-based methods.